Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My friend is to blame for all of this craziness!

I have a friend who is quiet, calm but full of trouble. You see, we are complete opposites
as far as first impressions go. I am loud and a bit crazy. Ann is quiet and reserved.
But under her quiet exterior, there is a crazy lady, just lying in the weeds. Between the two
of us, we can come up with some pretty crazy ideas.

The whole peg loom idea came from her. Ann had seen one, then made one
for herself. She is quite resourceful. It was made from a old piece of wood and some
old chair rails that she got at an auction. Her handyman tools are limited and with some determination, she got it done. It turned out great. But me, just being me, thought I would
like to make one too.

So this new adventure of making peg looms has blossomed into my own business. I am
fortunate to be married to a man that has a lot of woodworking tools. I can make more
than just peg looms, so if there is something special that you need, between him and me,
we can make just about anything.

Ann and I have taken the time to improve the product to where it is affordable and easy to use.
Ann sells beautifully hand dyed fiber, roving and yarns.  She has some of the most beautiful
yarns that I have ever seen.  Her business name is Maple Corners if you want to take a look
at all of the wonderful things she does.

I will be posting some of the things that I make soon. Heck, just figuring out this blog thing is
a big jump for me. So I will keep you posted......

Lynette Richter daisyhillhandiworks@hotmail.com